
First Omagh Presbyterian Church is situated in close proximity to the centre of the town. 


It sits on an elevated site and is a well known landmark within the Omagh town centre. The current building was opened in 1897 and is the third to be associated with the congregation. A former church is now located in the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum.

Records indicate that a minister has been associated with the congregation since 1641. There have been sixteen ministers to the present day. At the present time there are 300 families within the congregation. 

We hold a Sunday morning service at 11.30am with our Sunday School groups, JIGSAW and BLAST,  meeting during the service in the adjacent Lecture Hall and Rowan Hall. During morning worship a  crèche is also available in our Choir Room, known as TOTS.

There has also in the past been a regular series of weekly lunchtime services held on Thursdays during Lent. Communion services are held three times per year. 

During the week church and fellowship activities consist of Boys’ Brigade, Presbyterian Women, Craft Class, Aerobics, Badminton and Indoor Bowls. In the summer there is an active Walking Group. For church functions, funerals and weddings, there is an excellent Ladies Catering Group. 

Our Kirk Session comprises of twenty elders (two ladies and eighteen men) and sixteen have a district of families. The Kirk Session currently meets bi-monthly and occasionally before Communion which is held on the first Sundays of February, May and November. On Communion Sundays there is an evening Thanksgiving service as well. 

The Church Committee meet on a regular basis and has nineteen members plus the Kirk Session who are ex-officio members. There are subgroups responsible for finance, buildings and maintenance and church grounds.

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