Whilst the minister and main office-bearers are the main contacts for church business many other individuals hold office in a number of positions within First Omagh. A useful list of contacts are in the table below.
Position Name Contact Position Name Contact
FWO & Gift Aid Secretary Mr. Brian Wilson 028 8224 3874 Sunday School Co-ordinator Mrs. Catherine Black -
c4u Co-ordinator Mrs. Flo Harper 077 4861 8858 Junior Church Leader Mrs. Emma-Jayne Fowler 077 9327 5851
Organist Mrs. Adele Lipczynski 077 3168 4224 Cradle Roll Secretary Mrs. Irene Wilson 028 8224 3874
Bowling Club Secretary Mr. Samuel Hammond 028 8224 4260 Badminton Club Captain Mrs. Jennifer Leonard 028 8283 1421
Catering Co-ordinator Mrs. Ivy Turner 028 8224 4279 Craft Group Co-ordinator Mrs. Roberta Alderdice 028 8224 4843
P/Herald & IBRA Secretary Miss Audrey Hill 028 8224 7488 Wider World Secretary Mrs. Jean Hamill 028 8224 2469
Mission Africa Secretary Mrs. Marjorie Bowman 028 8224 4803 Leprosy Mission Secretary Mrs. Eileen Hammond 028 8224 4260
Child Protection Mrs. Janice Vance 028 8075 7200 Walking Group Mr. Godfrey Crawford 028 8224 9068
P.W. Secretary Mrs. Christine Johnston 028 8224 9459 Volunteer Visitor Mrs. Dorothy Simpson 028 8224 9297
Sexton Mr. Irwin Anthony 028 8224 0311 Announcements Mr. Godfrey Crawford 028 8224 9068